Having settled on a final idea we decided to start on the dance. We had decided that two dancers would be enough, as we wanted to portray the relationship between the two people in the song through the dance.
Initially we had asked two dancers who looked similar to each other, and planned to have them dancing simultaneously throughout the entire video. However, a week before filming one of the dancers informed us they were unable to perform. As a result one of us had to fill in. Having previously done some dancing as a child, I offered to do it.
As the other dancer (Beth) and I began to choreograph the dance, and after consulting with the rest of the group, we thought it would be a good idea to use the dance as a symbolism between the couple. Since Beth and I are polar opposites in our facial features we decided it would be a good idea if I symbolized the man and Beth symbolized the woman.
At the beginning of the dance Beth started off in a very submissive position and I began in a dominant position. The style of dance (inspired by Hurts – A Wonderful Life), is very angular, showing the harshness of the relationship. Normally, dance is very fluid and beautiful to watch, however this dance is deliberately disjointed, to show the relationship falling apart.
We have deliberately shown moments of almost balletic style of dancing in order to show the relationship wasn’t always how it was described. Also, to show how there were moments of beauty, we have tried to make intertextual links to the film Black Swan.
During the dance, Beth and I drift out of synchronization and more into a duet; this to show the relationship falling apart and finally, the dance is repeated in cannon to show that they are no longer together.
The end position is vital as it shows how the roles have fully reversed; the man, (shown through me) is dominated by the woman, (shown through Beth) who is set free and no longer trapped.
Below is a short clip of us devising the dance; it is sped up by 300% so you can get an idea of what we were trying to accomplish.
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